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Peeps Cleaner - Pink

Peeps Cleaner Pink

Peeps Cleaner - Pink



Peeps Eyeglass Cleaner - with invisible carbon in stock now, buy from an eye care professional

The LensPen cleaning power is the result of a specially formulated carbon, which the Peeps delivers via two pads that move over both sides of your glass lenses.

This carbon absorbs oil rather than just moving it around, while the pads gently brush the lens surface to remove stubborn smudges.

On the other side of the Peeps is a brush to get rid of large particles, so you can dust off your lenses for a complete clean.

If ordering multiple Peeps please vary colour selection.  If you buy 10 for family and friends receive a FREE Smartklear Cleaner to clean your phone.

Click here for a video about the Peeps cleaner


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